How To Build SSR Page With Next.Js

Jetly Sandita
3 min readDec 29, 2020


Create Server-Side Rendering with Next.Js

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

In this article,
I will share my experience in using next js. so I will explain step by step from the first setup onwards.

Let’s Start

  1. Make Sure you ready

Install node js, visual studio code, and extension prettier on visual studio code

2. Create Next.Js Project

npx create-next-app (name_project)

Type the code above into the terminal and run.
after that, it will create a folder and then use cd (name folder). you can run with yarn dev or yarn build then yarn start.

3. Clean Up Code

Replace index.js code

export default function Home() {   return <></>;}

Replace app.js code

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {   return <Component {…pageProps} />;}
export default MyApp;

Remove globals.css and home.module.css and re-run (ctrl + c and yarn dev)

4. Create File _document.js on folder pages

You can change HTML lang and custom rendering

import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from "next/document";class MyDocument extends Document {static async getInitialProps(ctx) {const initialProps = await Document.getInitialProps(ctx);  return { ...initialProps };}render() {  return (   <Html lang="en">     <Head />     <body>     <Main />     <NextScript />     </body>   </Html> ); }}export default MyDocument;

5. Create next.config.js File on Root Folder

this file for env and we will use for base URL API (

module.exports = {  env: {   baseUrlApi: "",  },};

Save and Re-run

6. Modified index.js code And Re-run

export default function Home(props) {const { data } = props;return (<div>{,i) => {return <div key={i}>{}</div>;})}</div>);}export async function getServerSideProps() {// Fetch data from external APIconst res = await fetch(`${process.env.baseUrlApi}pokemon?limit=10`);const data = await res.json();// Pass data to the page via propsreturn { props: { data } };}

use getServerSideProps to make page SSR. now you can inspect on source code and look for the pokemon name on it. by default next js already SSR but when you get data from API you must use getServerSideProps to make data show on source code and give effect for SEO.

7. Create Folder layouts on the root

Create file MainLayout.js on folder layouts. we need this component as a wrapper. we use this as a parent component on pages.

import Head from "next/head";export default function MainLayout(props) {const { children } = props;return (<><Head><title>Pokemon</title></Head><div>{children}</div></>);}

Replace index.js code

import MainLayout from "../layouts/MainLayout";export default function Home(props) {const { data } = props;return (<MainLayout>{, i) => {return <div key={i}>{}</div>;})}</MainLayout>);}export async function getServerSideProps() {// Fetch data from external APIconst res = await fetch(`${process.env.baseUrlApi}pokemon?limit=10`);const data = await res.json();// Pass data to the page via propsreturn { props: { data } };}

with this, we can make head global for every page with the main layout as a wrapper

next, I will share how to make this project fancier, reusable components, and how to handle responsive design.

See Project Here

Comment below if you know any other ways, commend, or questions.

Thank you :)



Jetly Sandita
Jetly Sandita

Written by Jetly Sandita

Web Developer, try to write something.

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